Allison & Tyler ~ Baby on Board

When Allison sets her mind to something, it usually happens, which is why I assume their baby will be born on August 11th like she wants.

The morning she discovered she was pregnant was like every other morning, except for the fact that as soon as she woke up, she KNEW she was pregnant. “I just KNEW it. I knew it.” She took the test, then burst into the bedroom, Tyler still sleeping. “OH. MY. GAWD!” She shouted. “Tyler! OH. MY. GAWD!”

Half asleep, he said, “What?” and she threw the test at him as she repeated the “OH. MY. GAWD!” over and over. When he examined the test, he realized what all the fuss was about. “OH!” he said.

“It was really funny,” he told us in the car on the way to Half Moon Bay. “She just slid down the wall.”

They were ready to have a family, and excited about it, but when the moment came, the seriousness of it all hit Allison hard. For a few minutes. Then she ran and called her brother and sister and told them to come over. They were irritated because it was 7am, but she insisted, so they came over, and they were the first to hear the news. The couple chose Christmas Day to tell their parents, because Tyler’s parents were flying in for the holiday.

Allison’s grandparents were told on Christmas as well, in a very cute way. She wrapped up a pacifier for Grandma to open, and a onesie for Grandpa to open. At first, Grandma was confused and trying to act very excited about her strange gift, but then Grandpa caught on, and the room was abuzz with excitement. I’d venture to say it was the best. Christmas. ever.

When Allison and I kicked around the idea of where to shoot this Baby Bump shoot, I suggested the beach where she and Tyler shared their first date, as well as where he proposed. She LOVED the idea, so last Sunday, we piled into their car and drove to Half Moon Bay. We had a blast and captured some great moments.

Thank you Allison and Tyler for making us part of yet ANOTHER special part of your lives! We’re so glad to have you as clients and friends.

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Mark Kelly
July 13, 2012

The baby IS coming August 11th. If the woman can "WILL" a perfect day 80 degree day in between two 100+ days to have her wedding, I have no doubt the baby will be here August 11th. The only question is whether Allison will pick the time or if she will let Joshua pick it....

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