Family Photos ~ Preserving Love

Sharon is sweet, funny, intelligent, strong, and she loves her family so much it radiates from within her. She loves vinyl records, the same 70s soft rock music I do, and has always loved photography. But life isn’t fair. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer in February, and her loving daughter, Kasey, came home to take care of her. A mutual friend asked me how much I would charge her to buy a photo session for these amazing people, and I said I would volunteer my services with any photos they need. I’m honored and touched to be the one to give them this gift, these moments frozen in time that each generation will cherish forever.

This family is spending their time wisely, being together, sharing sweet family secrets, laughing, and having fun. Sharon and Kasey took all the grandchildren to Build a Bear so they could each have something to hold after Grandma is gone. Each bear has a heart, which the child pumps to life and inserts. The very wise little Madison said she want’s her bear to have some of Grandma in it so she can hold it after Grandma is gone. So after each child pumped their bear hearts to life and put them inside their bear, Sharon pumped a heart to life for each bear and inserted them. So the bears have two hearts, one from the child, and one from Grandma. Every day, a little child can hold their bear friend and know they are also holding Grandma’s heart. I’ve never heard of anything so special.

I will be working with this family again on Friday, photographing the whole clan, and I’m incredibly honored. In the meantime, here are the photos we took last week.















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