FAQ: What is Trash the Dress?

Trash the Dress Modesto

I’m super excited because this month I have TWO Trash the Dress sessions booked! Dacey’s – this Saturday – will be in an auto shop, and I can’t wait to smudge grease all over her gown. Sound a little crazy? It is.

Although I’ve blogged about it before, and have been published regarding Trash the Dress sessions, I’m still having newer clients and people who are just joining my Facebook ask me what they are, so I thought I’d take a few moments to explain.

For me, Trash the Dress sessions are one of the most fun photo shoots I get to do. They’re whacky, fun and inspired. I get to break away from the general rules of bridal photography and get as creative as I want.

To give a quick definition, a Trash the Dress session is typically done by a bride some time after her wedding. It’s a great way to have a creative photo shoot done in your dress that would otherwise sit in a closet for years and never be touched again. It’s also pretty fun for a woman who’s just gone through a divorce to trash her wedding gown, symbolizing a new beginning.

The general idea for Trash the Dress began in Hollywood, but the idea went viral when Las Vegas wedding photographer John Michael Cooper set a wedding gown on fire… with the bride still in it. (Don’t worry, I’m not THAT brave. I won’t be asking for models to let me set them on fire.) His goal was to create some cool images, to “apply ideas from fashion and cinema to wedding photography by putting brides in unusual locations.” He had no idea it would take on the popularity it has.

The most popular setting for a Trash the Dress session so far is water – beach, lake, river, etc. I’ve had the pleasure of doing one shoot in a junkyard, which was VERY fun, and have several more creative Trash the Dress shoots in the works.

Here are some examples of what I’ve done thus far. Stay tuned for some very interesting photos!

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

Trash the Dress Modesto

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