Featured ~ Marry Me Ink

Violet and I met shortly after her wedding. She and her husband had hired a friend to photograph the wedding, and the photos were a hot mess. She contacted me to ask if I could edit the digital images, but there was nothing I could do to save them, so she and her husband booked a photo shoot with us. We did some beautiful photos of them with a classic car (they are huge classic car enthusiasts), then we went into the junk yard and had a blast trashing her dress. She’s so cool and fun to be around that we became friends.

Last year, right in the middle of the murder trial of her son’s killers, her marriage ended. Thankfully, the perpetrators were found guilty, and she could try to move on from an excruciating year. We recently did a creative photo shoot to symbolize her moving forward into a new life. (See that shoot here: Violet) It was a deeply personal project for both of us, and we’re proud of the moody, gritty, symbolic photos we created.

As an amazing bonus, the UK blog, Marry Me Ink, has featured Violet’s photos! We are eternally grateful. To see the feature and read Violet’s amazing life story (much more than I’ve even touched on), check out the blog here: Phoenix Rising – Violet’s Trash the Dress Story

Thank you Violet, for letting me into such personal parts of your life. I love you! You are an inspiration to us all!


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