Newborn Photography ~ Precious Baby Kiarah

Baby Kiarah was born at 25 weeks, and the doctor gave Jennifer and Leonard a laundry list of things that would be wrong with her, including brain damage … if she survived at all.

On February 20, 2014 Jennifer went into the hospital with with mild cramping, so they kept her overnight for observation. No one realized she was in labor until 9am on the 21st. Kiarah was coming NOW. Doctors and nurses rushed the room and Kiarah was born at 9:20am, then immediately rushed to the NICU. Three hours later, Mom and Dad got to see their baby before they flew her to Valley Children’s Hospital in Madera. At one pound, thirteen ounces, and twelve inches long, it was a slim chance she would make it. Jennifer and Leonard were terrified, because even if she did make it, so many things could go terribly wrong.

When Jennifer first delivered, she didn’t think Kiarah would make it because she was SO small. But Kiarah cried when she was born, and she could breathe on her own and had her eyes open, which were all great signs. Jennifer wasn’t released until the day after the birth, so until she could be with her baby, she called every hour to check on her. Once she saw Kiarah and realized how strong she was, she knew this little girl wouldn’t give up her fight. And she didn’t. She beat all odds. She even came home four weeks before her due date.

When I saw photos of this miracle baby on Facebook, I offered to do this photo shoot as a gift. This little baby is so incredibly inspiring to me. The strength and the will to live is amazing. She’s feisty like both her parents. I have a feeling she’ll be an incredibly strong adult.
















Modesto Family Photographer

Dawn Kelly Photography, specializing in unique, elegant, timeless baby and family photography

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