Boudoir Testimonial: Cindy

I asked Cindy to answer a few questions about her boudoir session, and she was so awesome that she wrote me a wonderful essay.  Read about why she did her session and all the fun she had working with me:

I had spent my entire adult life (had my 1st child when I was 19) making sure others’ needs were met, while my needs were put on hold. 

Fast forward to January 2017. At 53 years old, 30 years of marriage, and 40lbs of weight loss, I find myself in the middle of a divorce. I take a deep breath and tell myself “It’s my turn now!”  I wanted to feel pretty. I wanted to feel sexy. If not for anyone else but me. It’s my turn now! 
I found Dawn on the internet and browsed through her pictures. I saw a lot of young, beautiful women and I thought, “I’m 53 years old, I’ve got scars all over my body and wrinkles on my face, what am I thinking?” Then I saw a picture of Dawn. Her red hair is what got my attention. I loved it! I got the instant feeling, or “vibe” if you will, of a free spirit. After I met Dawn, that is exactly what she is….. A wonderful, warm, nonjudgmental free spirit! 
I emailed her and started slowly. I was scared to death. I told her about my scars, my tummy, my hands, and several more of my flaws.  She asked what I LIKED about myself. Wow, that was a tough one. I hadn’t really thought about the things I liked about my body so it was a pretty hard question to answer. I said my eyes, my legs and my hair. 
The day came for my appointment with Dawn. Oh my! I was a nervous wreck!! After about 5 minutes, Dawn’s warm and loving personality had me at ease. It was one of the most beautiful, uplifting experiences of my life. For 3 hours I wasn’t a wife, mother, or grandmother, I was a vibrant, sexy woman. Something I don’t EVER remember feeling before. 
Working with Dawn gave me a confidence in myself I thought I never had, a strength I thought I never had, power I thought I never had.  To this day I feel empowered. I conquered a fear, and with the help of Dawn Kelly, conquered it successfully! It has literally changed my life! 
Thank You Dawn, for everything. Thank You! 
Interested in doing a boudoir session?  Check out my gallery and contact me for more info today.
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