When Did I Get So Old?!?!??!?!!

My home was invaded by TEN teenage girls on Friday and I learned a few things:

1) I’m old.
2) I can’t eat pounds of junk food any more.
3) I’m really old.


Madison is my pseudo-daughter (pretty blonde on the right). I’ve known her since she was little. She’s starting her senior year of high school this month and I had to send her off with a bang! So a camping slumber party it was!!! Sorry I don’t have more photos but I was busy having fun!

When I was little I never had a slumber party. My house was pretty tumultuous and my mom had a lot of anxiety. And I was never invited to any slumber parties either because I was incredibly unpopular. So a few years back I threw a big adult slumber party and we had a BLAST!!! Wine, fondue, and gossip? Yes please! My friends and I aim to do it annually now.

My besties and I planned this camping slumber party for Madison because we have a GIANT back yard (We’re on a third of an acre). There were several girls invited that didn’t know each other, so they got to make new friends! The teens were thrilled to pitch tents outside to sleep in. We talked, ate chili dogs and s’mores, had a giant Jenga show-down, told scary stories, and pigged out on an ice cream sundae bar. The adults that slept inside passed out around 2am while watching Pretty in Pink (when did we get so old?!?!??!?!), but the girls kept my friend/chaperone Desi up all night with giggles, games, and early-morning piggy-back rides. Gosh I’m glad I slept inside…

Thank you to all the amazing women who made this possible! Sarah, Rachel, Heather, Cassie, Desi, Holly, and Michelle! I adore you all and had a blast with you! Let’s do this again in 10 years or so!

Now to start thinking about Madison’s graduation party………

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