Lodi Lake Family Photography ~ Giambastiani Family

We photographed Melissa and John‘s wedding in June of 2008, and it’s amazing to see how their family has grown. They are AMAZING people and parents. Their oldest, Rocco, is autistic, and he’s the sweetest boy I’ve ever photographed. He’s so well adjusted and loving because his parents have worked so hard to make his life wonderful. Louie and Enzo are also amazing and well-behaved! I was so impressed with these children!
Thank you Melissa, John, Rocco, Louie, and Enzo! I adore you all and can’t wait to see how you guys evolve as a family!
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
Lodi Family Photographer
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Desiree Dill
June 21, 2016


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