Modesto Newborn Photography ~ Baby Aislan | Modesto Family Photographer

Baby Aislin entered this world surrounded by people who love her.  In the delivery suite, the doctor set her down and she was crying, like all healthy babies do.  Sean was choked up, full of emotion, and he said, “Shhhh sweetie, it’s ok…” and she grabbed his finger.  He’ll always remember that moment.  This daddy is enamored by his little girl.  He constantly kisses her little feet and hates leaving her to go to work.  Jessica is an amazing mother, devoted, hard-working, and all smiles.  She and Sean are lucky to have big sister Jaden’s help with baby Aislan.  She’s a great big sister, always wanting to help with the baby, wanting to be in photos with her.  This is a beautiful little family, and they’re all going to cherish these photos forever.  Some day, at Jaden’s wedding, Aislin by her side as Maid of Honor, they will use these photos in a slideshow that will make everyone present cry, and that’ll be one more memory for them to build together.

Thank you Jessica, Sean, Jaden, and baby Aislin, for letting me be a part of these memories.



modesto family photographer Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography


Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

Modesto newborn photography

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