My Pinup Adventure ~ The Results

I got my pinup boudoir photos back, and I LOVE THEM! Mark loves them also, but really, I did them for me. I truly believe that a boudoir session is more for the woman than for the man, and now I see why. I am able to look at myself through other people’s eyes. I feel glamorous and beautiful, and I look like a real pinup girl! But it was hard work…

When Mark looked at my photos, he said, “You shot for three hours for this?” because there are 22 finished images. Well, yes we did! I said, “I don’t think you realize how much she had to adjust the lights.” It was more than that though; she was photographing someone pose-challenged. I had NO IDEA how hard it was to hold pinup poses. This blue slip was the first outfit, and I knew how I wanted to pose in it. We fiddled with the pose until we got what we wanted, and then I had to try it over and over until I got every detail right AND I could hold it long enough for her to take a photo. I swear I fell over like five times. In between photos I had to release the pose, bend over, stretch my body, and say, “OH MY GOD THIS HURTS!!!” Yes models and clients, I feel for you. But it was so worth it! Look how cute I am! I’m totally channeling my Nonnie. She gave me this slip before she passed away, and I’m proud to rock it in this photo!


This nightgown was worn by my Nonnie on her wedding night. My mom gave it to me after Nonnie passed away, and I’ve been dying to do photos in it since. This was the third and last outfit because we blew out the zipper on my blue sailor dress (I was thinner when I bought it. Woopsie!)

I love the lighting in this image and the quiet quality the pose has. Plus it was easier to sit on a bench than stand on one foot with my arms up. I feel very 1040’s Hollywood siren!


Thank you to Jonnee Bardo at Gluskin’s for the beautiful, sexy photos! I adore you! MUAH! Thank you to Summer Artistry for the gorgeous makeup and hair! I adore you too!

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November 18, 2014

You are absolutely gorgeous girl! Very very beautiful photos of how natural your beauty is inside and out! Love you

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