Vegas, Day One: The Restaurant That Ruined Me for Every Other Restaurant

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of Vegas. The only thing I love about this town is the food. Like, if I stole someone’s credit card, I’d use it to eat my way through Vegas. And shop my way through too, I suppose.

We’re having an amazing time at WPPI 2014! (WPPI: Wedding and Portrait Professionals International) This is my second year, Mark and Lindsey’s first. I’m SUPER happy they’re here with me, and we are all learning a lot. Mark and I saw Sal Cincotta’s platform class, which was all about finding the right clients and marking. Sal was in rare form, cracking us up with quips and sarcasm. I wondered if he’d done a shot of tequila back stage before he went on. (He didn’t!)


Of course I had to ask Dino what he thought of his first WPPI. He goes EVERYWHERE with Lindsey. (And Mark thought I was weird…)


THEN we got to eat at Bobby Flay’s restaurant, MESA Grill! It’s pricey, but worth EVERY CENT. When our check came with a printed ad of Bobby, I kissed it and said, “Oh Bobby Flay… why are you married? I want to marry you.” Sorry Mark. This restaurant ruined me for every restaurant. I’m never going to be happy at Fuzio or Cheesecake Factory again.






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Marilyn L. Wilburn
March 3, 2014

Looks wonderful! Have a great time.

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