Tag: Trash the Dress Modesto

Couture Trash the Dress ~ Lady of the River

Couture Trash the Dress ~ Lady of the River

I'd been itching to do something creative. There was a need in me that arises...

Infrared Madness ~ Take Two

The first time I attempted to shoot infrared film, it was an InfraFail. You can...

Amanda (and Her Daughters) ~ Trashin’ the Dress

It started with a suitcase. I found one vintage baby blue Samsonite suitcase and BAM!...

Trashin’ the Dress ~ Getting’ Down and Getting’ Greasy

Dacey’s husband is big into restoring cars, and he even has his own small auto...

Adventures in Dress-Trashing

Rock and roll! When Dacey and I planned her Trash the Dress shoot, she told...
FAQ:  What is Trash the Dress?

FAQ: What is Trash the Dress?

I’m super excited because this month I have TWO Trash the Dress sessions booked! Dacey’s...