My life is often like this: Wedding wedding wedding wedding engagement wedding baby baby baby wedding wedding ……. I think you get the idea. I LOVE shooting weddings, I really do, and I get creative, but I don’t have a lot of time. So from time to time I collaborate with other artists. Here are some shots of the AMAZING Summer Artistry doing the beautiful Dei’s hair and makeup for this cray shoot. And here is a Poloroid to give you a little taste of what we did! (Check out the next blog with more Polaroids and my epic fail at making negatives.)
Clearly we were having a great time…
And here’s a digital test shot with the LensBaby! (DYING to get film back!!!!)
The best part of the day was when Dei and I went through the Starbucks drive-through… The guy at the window gave me my tea, saw Dei (still in wardrobe), left for a few minutes, came back with a straw and said, “Did I give you a straw?” as we’re both holding straws. “Yeah we got straws.” “Oh, did I give you a Vente straw or a short straw?” and he had a whole conversation about a straw while staring at Dei. Then he gave her her coffee. Um… HILARIOUS.